Sunday, December 03, 2006

Meeting in Baia Mare November, 13 - 19, 2006

We had our first Comenius 1 school project meeting in November, 13 - 19, 2006. It was held in Baia Mare, at our school, Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr.5 Baia Mare, as we are the co-ordinating school of the project.

In perioada 13-19 noiembrie 2006 am organizat prima reuniune de proiect scolar Comenius 1. Intalnirea a avut loc la Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr. 5 Baia Mare, deoarece noi suntem scoala coordonatoare a proiectului.

Our project partners are:
Partenerii nostri de proiect sunt:


The guests arrived on Sunday, November, 12, and Monday, November 13, and on Tuesday we had the first meeting with the whole group, at school. The children from Turkey and Poland, who attended the meeting, were welcomed and hosted by our pupils from Grade 7 A, coordinated by the classmaster, Sorin Ionescu. We worked hard all week but we also had some fun: a visit to the Merry Cemetery from Sapanta, Maramures, and a visit to the Village Museum from Sighetu Marmatiei (on Thursday).

Oaspetii au sosit duminica, 12 noiembrie, si luni, 13 noiembrie, iar marti am avut intalnire cu intregul grup, la scoala. Elevii din Turcia si Polonia, care au venit la reuniune, au fost primiti si gazduiti de catre elevii nostri din clasa a 7-a A, indrumati de domnul diriginte Sorin Ionescu.
Am muncit la proiect toata saptamana, dar am gasit timp sa ne si simtim bine: o vizita la Cimitirul vesel de la Sapanta si la Muzeul satului din Sighetu Marmatiei (joi).

Our teachers and students had great fun during the friendly football match they played on Tuesday evening. Of course, the students' team won! Preparing for the match, the match, our cheerleaders, all in the slide show.

Porfesorii si elevii nostri s-au distrat la meciul amical de fotbal in sala pe care l-am organizat marti seara. Bineinteles, echipa elevilor a castigat! Imagini de la pregatirile pentru meci, de la meci si cu gimnastele si majoretele noastre le puteti vedea in album.

Then, on Wednesday we had the official launching of the project

The most important official figure who attended our activity was Mr. Cristian Anghel, the Mayor of our city. As always, he is our best supporter in all the activities our school organizes on different occasions. Many people attended the launching of JUNIOR INVENTORS.
Our pupils were very impressed by the presentation of the partner schools and they made an impressive presentation of our school: besides the Power point presentation made by the Romanian project team, the children made a very beautiful show with songs and dances, co-ordinated by teachers from our school. Our partners say they have enjoyed their stay here and they are looking forward to meet us again.

Apoi, miercuri, am lansat oficial proiectul. Evenimentul s-a desfasurat la Centrul Millenium din Baia Mare. Cea mai importanta personalitate, care ne-a onorat cu prezenta, a fost domnul Cristian Anghel, Primarul municipiului. Ca totdeauna, dansul este cel mai bun suporter al nostru la toate activitatile pe care scoala noastra le organizeaza.
Am avut un public numeros cand am lansat proiectul JUNIOR INVENTORS
Copiii au fost foarte impresionati de prezentarea scolilor partenere, si au facut si ei o prezentare impresionanta a scolii noastre, coordonati de dascalii lor. Cateva imagini puteti vedea in album.
Partenerii nostri s-au simtit asa de bine, incat au sugerat ca reuniunea de final al proiectului sa se tina tot la Baia Mare in 2008, si abia asteapta sa ne reintalnim.

The next project meeting is scheduled to take place in Turkey, in April 2007. Then we'll be able to see some of the project's end products.
Urmatoarea reuniune de proiect se va tine in Turcia, in luna aprilie 2007. Atunci vom putea vedea o parte din produsele finale ale proiectului.