Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Reuniune de proiect scolar Comenius 1- Mus, Turcia


Elevii Katalin Molnar si Richard Guarza, din clasa a VII-a, insotiti de doamna profesoara Daniela Buda, de la Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr.5 Baia Mare, au participat la reuniunea de proiect scolar Socrates Comenius 1 JUNIOR INVENTORS. Intalnirea a avut loc in perioada 23-28 aprilie 2007 in localitatea Muş din Turcia.
Proiectul JUNIORS INVENTORS (“Micii inventatori”) este un proiect scolar Comenius 1, finantat de Comisia Europeana. Are ca scop cercetarea jocurilor si jucariilor pe si le inventeaza copiii pentru a-si petrece timpul liber. De aici titlul proiectului: “Micii inventatori”.

Proiectul se afla in primul an de derulare. Scoala cu calsele I-VIII nr. 5 din Baia Mare este coordonatorul European al proiectului. Ceilalti parteneri in proiect sunt scolile: 75. YIL KIRKÖY YATILI İLKÖĞRETİM BÖLGE OKULU din Turcia si Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace Umiejetnosci Tworczych (High School of Creative skills) din Polonia.

Grupul tinta al proiectului sunt copiii in varsta de 6/7-14/15 ani.

Produsele finale pentru primul an de proiect vor fi:o culegere de jocuri realizata de catre elevi din cele trei scoli, care va fi publicata atat in format de cate pe support de hartie, cat si in foemat electronic, pe website-ul proiectului; o colectie de jucarii realizate de micii invatatori; un e-group ( ), care faciliteaza comunicarea intre membrii echipelor de cercetare. Produse finale partiale pentru primul an vor fi website-ul proiectului(, blogul proiectului (, care sunt updatate periodic, si care vor fi finalizate doar la sfarsitul celui de al doilea an al proiectului.
Programul intalnirii a fost foarte bogat. In cadrul reuniunii au fost discutate urmatoarele activitati ce vor fi desfasurate in cadrul proiectului pana la finalizarea primului an de proiect, modalitatile de realizare a produselor finale, cu sarcinile specifice fiecarei echipe.
Delegatiile din Romania si Polonia, impreuna cu echipa gazda, au fost primite in mod official de catre autoritatea educationala locala (corespondentul Inspectoratului Scolar Judetean), unde s-a discutat despre sistemele de invatamant din cele trei tari.
La seminarul de prezentare a proiectelor Socrates, organizat de catre coordonatorul de proiecte internationale din Muş , domnul Ercan Mutlu, a fost prezentat si proiectul “Junior Inventors”. Au luat cuvantul domnul Rahmetulah Yakti, directorul scolii gazda, care a prezentat proiectele derulate in scoala din Turcia, doamna director Daniela Buda, care a prezentat proiectele derulate in scoala din Romania, domnul Michal Kulik, coordonator de proiecte in scoala din Polonia. La seminar au participat reprezentanti ai autoritatii locale, directori de scoli, personalitati locale, elevi, profesori si parinti.
Tot atunci a fost organizata o expozitie cu jucariile realizate de copii din cele trei scoli partenere.
Schimburile culturale s-au realizat prin spectacolul de dans realizat de catre elevii scolii din Turcia, prin gazduirea copiilor din Romania si Polonia la familii din localitate. De asemenea, arta culinara turceasca a fost un alt element de comparative intre culturile celor trei tari. Vizitarea unor obiective istorice si culturale au oferit prilejul de a discuta despre legaturile istorice dintre cele trei tari de-a lungul istoriei.
Vizitarea celor trei institutii de invatamant, scoala gazda, liceul pedagogic si o gradinita din orasul Muş, au prilejuit comparatia intre nivelul de dotare al scolilor din tarile partenere.
Si in domeniul lingvistic s-au realizat schimburi: pana la sfarsitul reuniunii, atat elevii, profesorii, cat si familiile gazda au invatat unele cuvinte si expresii din limba engleza si cele trei limbi nationale: turca, romana si poloneza.
Partea de metodica a utilizarii jocurilor la clasa a fost asigurata printr-un atelier de lucru organizat cu profesorii de engleza din zona, sustinut de doamna profesoara Daniela Buda. Atelierul de lucru a fost foarte apreciat de participanti si s-a convenit realizarea unui e-group care sa faciliteze schimbul de experienta si informatii intre profesorii de engleza turci si romani.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Project meeting in Turkey

Our second project meeting took place in Muş, Turkey, in April 23-28, 2007.
We had a great time there. Atilla Gündeş, our host, together with his headmaster, Mr. Rahmetulah Yakti and their team, made our visit to Muş unforgettable. The program was very rich and interesting.
We had our technical meeting, when we discussed the details for the activities to be finished till the end of the first project year: the publishing of the book containing the collection of games, which will be done both in paper format and as an e-book on the project website, the upgrading of the website with the latest information and photos from the meeting and those with the toys the other children made; the updating of the project blog, etc.
The three project teams, from Poland, Romania and Turkey were met by the Education Authority from Muş and we had an interesting discussion about the educational systems from the three coutries.
During the Seminar organized by our hosts, the Socrates programmes were presented by the project coordinator from the Muş region, Mr. Ercan Mutlu, after which, the representatives from the three partners of project were requested to present their schools and the project "Junior Inventors". Mr. Rahmetullah Yakti, the Headmaster of the Turkish school, talked about the projects his school has been involved in. Then the Romanian school was presented by Ms. Daniela Buda, the Headmistress of the school. Mr. Michal Kulik, project coordinator, introduced the Polish school to the audience.
There was a large audience present at the seminar: many officials, headmasters of schools, pupils, teachers and parents attended it. On this occasion, the audience could admire the toys made by the children within the project.
The inter cultural exchanges between the 3 teams had several aspects: the beautiful dance show the children from the host school organized for the seminar, the fact that the visiting children were hosted by local families, which was an opportunity to compare different life styles. Another comparison item was the splendid Turkish cuisine, full of flavors and spices. Visiting the historical and cultural places offered us the occasion to talk about the common aspects throughout the history.
In Muş we visited the teachers' high school, very modern and well equipped, a kindergarten, and, of course, we visited the host school from KIRKÖY. This was a chance for headmasters to exchange experiences in running the schools.
When we visited the Turkish partner school, we met the local officials from the village, teachers and the pupils of the school, as well as the Turkish "junior inventors".
Another aspect of the inter cultural exchange was the linguistic one: by the end of the meeting, all people involved (pupils, teachers, host families) could say a few words and phrases in the four languages: English, as the communication language of the project, Turkish, Polish and Romanian. It was fun to hear people communicating, using words from the four languages.
There was also a methodological aspect of the meeting: the teachers of English from the schools from KIRKÖY and Muş gathered for a methodology workshop: the topic was "Using games in teaching English communicatively". The workshop was successful and the people gathered there decided to keep in touch in order to learn more active teaching/learning methods by exchanging such experience via the internet.
We enjoyed the visit to Turkey and made a lot of friends there.
So we think we achieved all our objectives for the first year of the project.
Next project meeting will take place in autumn in Poland, for the second year of the project.