Sunday, May 09, 2010

Participation in a EU conference in March 2010

In March 2010 I was invited by the European Commission to present the project at the international conference "EU projects in favour of Roma communities", as an example of best practice in intercultural education projects. It was a very exciting event, where we met interesting people and learnt about projects implemented in European countries. Junior inventors was highly appreciated by those who visited our stand.
It was a memorable event for me and an opportunity to promote my school's projects.
Here is the link to the conference website.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Monday, October 19, 2009

A year has passed since the Comenius project JUNIOR INVENTORS finished.
It was a project coordinated by Scoala cu clasele I-VIII "Vasile Alecsandri" (former School nr. 5) from Baia Mare, Romania.
Looking back, we remember all the nice people we met, all the nice activities we took part in, all the friends we made during the project.
All the activities showed us how similar children are, no matter their nationality, ethnic group, religion, language, social status, etc. They all like to play with their friends, they all like to be valued by their peers.
I have noticed that some of the impact I expected when writing the project can be seen today: the pupils who were involved in this project, Romanian or Rroma, from the Romanian school, have improved their self-esteem and have learned to accept those around them without discrimination. Take for example our dancers, both Romanian and Rroma, who presented beautiful traditional or modern dances in the artistic shows during the project meetings, became famous in school and respected and admired by all the pupils. Our sports teams are appreciated by all the pupils in school. Thus, in the special sports classes the groups of pupils are mixed (both Romanian and Rroma)and they enjoy learning and doing sports and playing together.
As a result of the dissemination activities and the many prizes our pupils won within this project, but also in other school and sports competitions and contests, the school has a new and improved image in the local community. Parents appreciate our program of intercultural activities and plan of desegregation and integration of all children attending our school, irrespective of their ethnic group. They have begun to accept the fact that the classes are mixed, that Romanian children learn together with Rroma children, that they are not discriminated even if some of them have special educational needs.
Many teachers from other schools have started to change their opinion about our school, considering the many prizes that the pupils from School "Vasile Alecsandri" won in the many competitions and contests they participate each year, and the fact that, when they graduate the 8th grade here, many of them go the best high-schools in the city.
"Junior inventors" was very appreciated in Romania, and it won a few prizes in the national competition called "Made for Europe", organized by the Romanian Ministry of Education: in 2007, the toys made by our pupils won the 3rd prize in the regional contest, in 2008 the "Book of games and toys" won the 1st prize at regional level and 4th prize at national level.
The Comenius multilateral project "Junior inventors" was also one of the many projects and partnerships that won us the title of EUROPEAN SCHOOL at national level, which is a very important prize in Romania.
I am sure that the project had a very good impact on our partners' schools, too.
In 2007, near the end of the first year in the project, we started an experiment resulted from the project: we organized two international art exhibitions for children: one on the 8th of April, the International Day of the Rroma people, and one on the 1st of June, The International Children's Day according to UNESCO, and a national (which later became international, too) art exhibition for Easter. They have been so successful, that in 2009 we had our 3rd edition of all the three exhibitions. (
JUNIOR INVENTORS was just the beginning of our school involvement in international partnerships.
Last school year (2008-2009), we were involved in a LLP project called "Primalingua - we speak European" ( and we applied for another Comenius multilateral project "Folklore Unites Nations", written by our school, which was approved for financing in the partner countries, but, unfortunately, our school was on the reserve list.
For next year we plan to apply for a new intercultural project and hope it will be approved and financed.
We have also been involved in some Phare projects for the integration of the Rroma children in school, in the last few years, and at present we are involved in a project funded from Structural funds, as partners with Romani CRISS and other NGOs and the Romanian Ministry of Education, called "Strategic steps for the improvement of the access to education of the Rroma children", which is part of the intercultural education plan of our school for the school year 2009-2010, as well as our international art exhibitions for Christmas, Easter, 8th of April and 1st of June.
All these started with JUNIOR INVENTORS, and School "Vasile Alecsandri" from Baia Mare will get involved in other European projects from now on, too.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Prizes for our project

Junior inventors has been a very successful project.
In Romania, it was entered in some national competitions during the two years we have worked on it.
In March 2007, it got the 4th prize in the national competition "Made for Europe" at regional level.
In march 2008, it got the 1st prize in the national competition "Made for Europe" at regional level and the 4th prize at national level.
It was also one of the projects that brought the title of European school for Scoala "Vasile Alecsandri" from Baia Mare, Romania.
So we are very proud of our achievements.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Last project meeting in Baia Mare, Romania

Finally, the week 14-18 April 2008 came and we met our project partners again. It was a very nice week. We had a busy schedule and we worked a lot, but we had some fun together, too.
The teachers met to do the project and partnership evaluation. We agreed that all our project objectives have been achieved. The end products we had planned have been done. Only the DVD with the project documentary has to be finished by the end of August so that we can send the final report to our National Agencies. The project has been disseminated by several means: on the special project dissemination board, in mass media, on the internet - through the website (, this blog, through many email messages on various e-groups.
We believe this project has been very efficient. We all made friends with teachers or pupils from the partner schools, we learnt interesting aspects from their cultures, we worked as a team, we exchanged teaching/learning tips, etc.
The children had a great time as they were involved in many interesting activities during the visit: inter cultural dance and song shows, a theater play, sports competitions (athletics, a football match between pupils and teachers, table tennis, chess, etc.) sightseeing tour in Baia Mare and Maramures. We visited the Merry Cemetery at Sapanta, the The Pain Memorial Museum in Sighetu Marmatiei, the wonderful Monastery at Barsana, the Wood church from Surdesti, etc. They even participated in the masque ball we organized at the end of the meeting. You can see some photos in the photo album of the visit.
This week has been a celebration for the Romanian school not only for hosting the last project meeting, but also for celebrating the official change of our school's name into "Scoala cu cls. I-VIII "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare. It was a moment of great joy for us and we shared our joy with our project partners. At the opening of the first day, we had important guests, such as the Mayor of Baia Mare, Mr. Cristian Anghel, who is always present at our special activities and gives us his support. There were also present our project partners from Turkey and Poland, Mr. Dragomir Ignat, the representative of the School Inspectorate, Mr. Vasile Barbul, who is a former pupil of our school, Florentina Ambrosie, the representative of our partner school from Bacau, Romania, parents, teachers, pupils, representatives of the mass media.
We also opened the International art exhibition for children called "The Resurrection Light", meant to celebrate Easter. The week passed with many interesting activities involving pupils, teachers, parents, and, of course our project partners.
As this was the last meeting, we were sorry to part, but promised to keep in touch and, why not?, maybe collaborate in other future projects.
But for now, we still have to finish the documentary and the final report to the National Agencies.

In sfarsit a sosit si saptamana 14-18 aprilie 2008, si ne-am intalnit partenerii de proiect din nou. A fost o saptamana deosebit de frumoasa . Am avut un program incarcat, am muncit mult, dar am avut si ocazia sa ne distram impreuna.
Profesorii au lucrat pe realizarea evaluarii proiectului si a parteneriatului. toti am fost de acord ca am reusit sa atingem obiectivele propuse si sa realizam produsele finale stabilite. singurul lucru ce ne-a mai ramas de facut e documentarul proiectului si raportul final catre Agentiile nationale. Am realizat diseminarea proiectului prin diferite mijloace: panoul proiectului, massmedia, pe internet prin website-ul proiectului (, prin acest blog, si prin emailuri si articole publicate pe diverse e-grupuri.
Consideram ca acest proiect a fost foarte eficient: profesorii si elevii au legat prietenii cu colegii lor de la scolile partenere, am aflat aspecte interesante despre cultura lor, am lucrat ca o echipa, am facut schimburi de experienta in ceea ce priveste metodele de predare/invatare, etc.
Copiii s-au simtit bine impreuna avand invedere faptul ca au fost implicati in multa activitati interesante in timpul reuniunii: spectacole interculturale de dansuri si cantece, piese de teatru, competitii sportive (de atletism, un meci de fotbal intre elevi so profesori, tenis de masa, sah, etc.), vizitarea orasului si un tur al Maramuresului, unde au vizitat Cimitirul vesel de la Sapanta, Muzeul Memorialul durerii de la Sighetu Marmatiei, manastirea de la Barsana, biserica de lemn de la Surdesti, etc. Elevii au participat si la un bal mascat pe care l-am organizat la sfarsitul intalnirii. Putei vedea toate aceste aspecte in albumele de fotografii ale reuniunii.
Saptamana 14-18 aprilie 2008 a fost o sarbatoare pentru scoala noastra nu numai datorita gazduirii ultimei reuniuni de proiect, ci datorita faptului ca am sarbatorit schimbarea oficiala a numelui scolii in "Scoala cu cls. I-VIII "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare. Pentru noi a reprezentat un moment de bucurie pe care l-am impartasit cu partenerii nostri de proiect. La deschiderea oficiala din prima zi am avut invitati de seama: dl. Cristian Anghel, Primarul municipiului, care este alaturi de noi si ne sustine in toate evenimentele importante ale scolii, partenerii nostri din Turcia si Polonia, dl. Dragomir Ignat, reprezentantul Inspactoratului scolar, dl. Vasile Barbul, in calitate de fost elev al scolii, d-na Florentina Ambrosie, reprezentanta scolii noastre partenere din Bacau, parinti, profesori, elevi, massmedia.
Un alt moment important a fost vernisajul celei de a doua editii a Expozitiei internationale de arta pentru copii "Lumina invierii" menita sa sarbatoreasca sfintele sarbatori de Paste.
Saptamana a trecut repede, cu multe ectivitati interesante in care au fost implicati elevii, profesorii, parintii si, bineinteles, si partenerii nostri de proiect.
Cum aceasta a fost ultima noastra intalnire, am fost intristati ca ne desparteam, dar am promis sa tinem legatura si, de ce nu? sa colaboram si in alte proiecte pe viitor.
Dar deocamdata mao avem de terminat documentarul proiectului si raportul final de activitate pentru Agentia nationala.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Project update

We have all been working on the project since October, last year. The children have enriched the games protfolio and we are preparing for the last project meeting, which will take place in April 14-18 2008 in Baia Mare, Romania.
Then we'll evaluate the progress and the achievements of our project , with all the changes that took place in the two years of partnership.
So, we are waiting forward to our reunion in april.

Toti am lucrat la proiect din octombrie, de la cea de a treia intalnire de proiect. Copiii au lucrat la imbogatirea protofoliului de jocuri, si ne pregatim de cea de a patra si ultima reuniune in cadrul proiectului, care va avea loc in perioada 14-18 aprilie 2008 la Baia Mare, Romania.
Atunci vom face si o evaluare a progresului si realizarilor proiectului, precum si a schimbarilor care au avut loc in cadrul parteneriatului.
Acum asteptam cu nerabdare sa ne reintalnim in aprilie.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Project meeting in Lodz, Poland

In October 22-27, 2007, the three teams met in Lodz, Poland.
The objective of this project meeting was to plan the activities and establish the responsibilities of each team for the 2nd year of the project.
On Monday, we were met by our Polish partner, Ewelina, and we had the afternoon off to rest after the long trip to Lodz and to wander through the city.
On Tuesday we met at the Polish school, and we presented the schools and the activities within the project so far.
On Wednesday we worked on the activity plan for the second year of the project. According to this plan, the Polish school will work on the new collection of games and a game about the European countries involved in the project; the Turkish team will work on upgrading the project website, so that the e-book and all the activities and end products for each peoject year be promoted on the website; and the Romanian team will keep the diary of the project through the project blog and work on the video documentary of the project. This documentary will also be published on the website.
On Thursday we visited a historical Polish city, Torun. There we visited the ruins of the Teuton Knights Castle, a beautiful church and the Planetarium.
On Friday we went on a sightseeing tour of Lodz and we spent some nice time at the Manufaktura (a former factory, now transformed into a fashionable leisure and shopping centre).
We had the opportunity to taste the Polish cuisine, as each day we had lunch and dinner in another restaurant.
The students participating at the meeting were hosted by local families. In the morning they had activities at school and in the afternoon their programme was organised by the host families.
Some of the Romanian students' opinions:
"It was an unforgetable experience and great fun. At first I thought differently because the Polish were not as open as the Romanians. But in the end everything was OK. The host family was very nice. I liked the city very much. Lodz is a very old city and this makes it special. The school in Lodz was ... different. I cannot compare it with our school. But the school is clean, with nice students. The last day spent there was unforgetable: we went to the Zoo and then we had a lot of spare time, only us, the teenagers. We went to the cinema at the Manufaktura, then we had lots of fun at the leisure centre. I did not sleep at all the last night there. I walked out in the garden and took advantage of the last hours there. We made special friends there and I'm looking forward to see them again in Romania." Izabela
"I liked the trip to Lodz. But I did not like the host family, for they did not make me feel good there. The host school is nice, but the classes are not so good, because the teachers don't challenge the students to study. The thing I liked best was the flight to Warsaw. It was for the first time I travelled by plane. I was also impressed by the trip to Torun. I also liked the last day spent in Lodz, for we had it to ourselves, without the presence of the teachers. I hope April comes faster so that we can meet again." Angelica