Saturday, March 17, 2007

Projectwork update

We have been working hard on the project so far. The children are enjoying themselves while working on the project.
The research teams have been collecting the games, some of these games have already been translated into English, I mean those that will be published in the book. We also decided to try something new: an ebook, which will contain the collection of games in the four languages: English, Romanian, Turkish and Polish. By the end of the first year of the project, that is in July, we'll have the book and the ebook ready.
The primary school children have been working on making the toys.
They will be ready by the time we will have the second project meeting. The toys will be exhibited during the project meeting .
The next project meeting will take place in Turkey in April 2007.
Please leave your comments if you like our blog and website. We appreciate your feedback.

Lucrul la proiect se desfasoara conform planificarii si eficient. Copiilor le plac activitatile care au loc in cadrul proiectului.
Echipele de cercetare au adunat deja o parte din jocuri si au tradus in engleza pe cele care vor fi publicate in cartea de jocuri.
Incercam sa facem si ceva mai nou, care nu era in plan: o carte electronica (ebook), ce va fi publicata pe site-ul proiectului si care va cuprinde jocurile adunate in limbile engleza, romana, turca si poloneza.
Copiii de la clasele primare au lucrat pe jucarii. Acestea vor fi gata pana la urmatoarea intalnire de proiect, care va avea loc in Turcia in luna Aprilie 2007, si vor fi expuse la intalnire, ca parte din produsele finale ale proiectului.
Daca va plac blogul si website-ul proiectului nostru, va rugam sa lasati comentarii. Apreciem feedback-ul oferit.

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