Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Show must go on ...

The summer holidays came and went....
We worked hard on the activity report. We also worked hard to make the renewal of the project eligible for funding, for we wanted to finish what we started.
So, our project has recived aproval and got the grant to go on.
So the show must go on!
As any end is a new beginning, the end of summer means a new school year.
The new school year means the opportunity for the project team to reassemble and start having fun while working on this beautiful project.
We are sorry that Atilla has left the project team, but we welcome our new Turkish partner in the project, Ozden. I hope she will enjoy working with our team.

We are going to meet again. This time in Poland.
The meeting will take place in Lodz, in the period 22-27 October 2007.
The children are eager to meet their friends again.
Plans are made to travel, others to welcome the teams.
We are all counting the days left untill the meeting.

Poland, here we come!

Zilele vacantei au venit si au trecut....
Am muncit mult pentru a scrie raportul final al primului an de proiect.
Am muncit serios si pentru a scrie un proiect de reinnoire eligibil pentru finantare. Si, iata, proiectul nostru a primit finantare. Asa vom putea termina ceea ce am inceput.

Cum orice sfarsit inseamna un nou inceput, sfarsitul verii inseamna un nou an scolar.
Inceputul noului an scolar inseamna si posibilitatea ca echipa de proiect sa se reintalneasca si sa lucreze cu placere la proiect.
Ne pare rau ca Atilla nu mai este cu noi in echipa, dar ii uram Bun venit noii noastre colege din Turcia, Ozden. Sper sa-i placa munca impreuna cu echipa noastra.

Ne vom intalni din nou. De data asta in Polonia.
Reuniunea de proiect va avea loc in localitatea Lodz, in perioada 22-27 octombrie 2007.
Copiii sunt nerabdatori sa isi reintalneasca prietenii.
Unii fac planuri de calatorie, altii planuri de a primi oaspetii.
Toti numaram zilele care au ramas pana la plecare.

Polonia, iata-ne, ca venim!

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